Page 87 - Golden Jubilee Magazine
P. 87
Celebrating The Milestones…
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
Together, we Team Montfort take pride in our Family and jointly contribute towards transforming
accomplishment and our commitment to excellence. individuals who would be the leaders of tomorrow.
Over the past 25+ years this Team has embraced and
nurtured those who seek quality education under Breakthroughs come after spending what seems like
the able leadership and guidance of the Brothers of hours of hard work and trying new ideas. This has
St. Gabriel. been achieved by the dedicated and well qualified
fraternity who left no stone unturned, adopting the
Montfort School, Delhi rose to the challenge of contemporary and ingenious methods of teaching
uplifting the bar of education 50 years ago and the learners right from pre-school to senior school.
continues to address that challenge till date. Through
the years, the talents and efforts of the dedicated Reverend Brother Alex, our present Principal has
Brothers and committed teachers have achieved always fostered a sense of support and appreciation
significant milestones in service of humanity and that allows us as educators to improve our skills
education. We feel a sense of great pride to be a and adopt thought- provoking techniques with
part of this great institution, Montfort that aims our students. This made us take a plunge into the
towards a strong mission of "Total Education", world of EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, KINESTHETIC
which is concerned with the total development of LEARNING, TECHNOLOGY–BASED LEARNING,
an individual as a person. We prepare young minds PROJECT-BASED LEARNING & INQUIRY-BASED
to become nation builders by inculcating moral and INSTRUCTIONS.
cultural values. It gives us immense satisfaction Thank you Brothers of St. Gabriel for the many years
that we have grown as a family and spent our 25+ of service and dedication to make our MISSION &
years working and learning together! VISION of nurturing young minds come true every
At Montfort, we realize that we are recognised as passing day.
mentors. We are delighted to honour our dedicated LOOKING FORWARD TO CELEBRATE FUTURE
service and commitment to this Institution. We also SUCCESSES TOGETHER!
take pride in knowing how we grew from just serving
in the field of education to unite with the Montfort - Anju Uppal
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Dewan Ms. Rashmi Jain Ms. Mavis Stephen Mr. Abdul Qayyum
Supervisor, Coordinator PGT (Economics) Assistant Teacher T.G.T (Art)
01.07.1974 01.08.1984 15.04.1985 13.07.1987
Ms. Anju Uppal Mr. Umesh Prasad Sharma Ms. Rosalyn Behl Ms.Meena Seth
Assistant Teacher Lab Assisstant Secretary T.G.T (Computer Science)
09.07.1990 26.07.1990 26.06.1992 01.07.1992